Mashup Camp, MIT
I enjoyed attending a few sessions at Mashup Camp. Overall, there is significant innovation and electricity around what the Mashup community is putting together. I enjoyed Jinesh Varia's (Amazon) presentation on building your own YouTube (iTube!). The use case involved uploading-> storing(S3)-> queuing(SQS)-> processing(EC2)-> hosting(ECS)-> Filtering(MTurk)-> Searching(perhaps Hadoop on EC2) video/images. The use case was intriguing since it logically and convincingly utilized parts of the Amazon Infrastructure. This highlights the point in my earlier blog that the cost of innovation is dramatically lower and even when scalability is required, the cost will align with specific computation & storage needs.
I also enjoyed looking at Mashups developed by LignUp, VOIP-SOA company. LignUp provides a comprehensive platform for controlling and integrating VOIP traffic within an enterprise network. The use case that I found most intriguing is having voice tied into CRM systems. This would give a fuller picture on communication between a company and its customers beyond just email archives.
I bumped into Julio Burgo from Carmun, a web portal for students to share and store academic research papers. I love their tag line: "Students of the world Unite!"
For a list of all the attendees, see Mashup Attendees.